blood vessel removal
There are tiny red blood vessels running along parts of the face just under the surface of the skin. If they dilate, they can become noticeable. Also known as spider veins or broken capillaries, the medical term for them is telangiectasias. They frequently appear around the nose, chin and cheeks. These facial capillaries may look like a series of lines, tree branches or a spider- or web-like shape, with a red or blue color. While most cases of facial capillaries are of no medical concern, many patients dislike the appearance of them when they develop in visible areas.
Facial capillaries occur as a result of a backup of blood within certain veins. As the blood collects, it begins to expand into the capillaries and they become visible under the surface of the skin. This is a common condition and may develop as a result of rosacea, hormonal changes, pregnancy, heredity, sun exposure and other causes.
Blood vessel problems such as these often begin to occur in patients between the ages of 18 and 35 and tend to run in families. They are particularly common in fair skinned individuals who have had sun exposure. This condition also affects women much more frequently than men and may progressively get worse. A lot of patients are bothered by the emergence of capillaries on the face, and seek treatment to reduce them.
laser treatment for blood vessel removal
Laser treatments are highly effective and minimally invasive, offering aesthetically-pleasing results without painful or lengthy downtimes. Dr. victor and his staff put laser energy to use to eliminate or reduce the appearance of redness, veins and other blood vessel issues that often develop on the skin.
Laser treatment, commonly in the form of pulsed dye and pulsed green lasers, are effective in reducing the appearance of telangiectasias and restoring skin to a smoother look and feel. They work by sealing off the targeted veins. The laser aims carefully controlled pulses of light at the damaged veins. The veins absorb the light and heat up, then collapse and close. They are then gradually reabsorbed by the body. During this procedure, patients may experience a mild sensation similar to a pinprick, but it is not considered particularly painful to most people.
Laser blood vessel removal treatments are most commonly performed on the face, neck, chest and legs, although any area of the skin can be safely treated. Dr. Victor will determine an individual treatment plan for you during your initial consultation.
candidates for laser blood vessel removal
The majority of patients with telangiectasias are good candidates for a laser treatment. These procedures are safe and gentle enough to be applied to most types of skin. After assessing your specific condition and goals for treatment, Dr. Victor can discuss with you whether a laser procedure would be the most effective way to correct the problem.
how does this treatment work?
During the treatment, laser energy will be delivered directly to the problem area to heat and destroy the unwanted blood vessels. You may experience a warm or hot sensation as the laser heats the vessel. Anesthesia is an option, but many patients find the treatment to be tolerable with no need for an anesthetic.
Each treatment session will generally take between 10 and 30 minutes but may vary in length of time, depending on the size and location of the targeted area. Multiple treatments are usually necessary in order to obtain optimal results. Treatments are generally performed at intervals of four to six weeks. Dr. Victor will help you determine how many treatment sessions are needed to achieve your desired results.
what is recovery like?
After a laser treatment is complete, patients may notice a mild red or pink color in the treated area, as well as tenderness, bruising and pigment changes. These side effects are often mild and go away on their own within a few days. Patients should avoid wearing makeup until the following day, but can resume work and other regular activities immediately following treatment.
It is essential that patients avoid direct sun exposure during healing, and should apply a sunscreen of at least SPF 15 whenever going outside.