dysport® and xeomin®


Dysport® | Xeomin® | Cosmetic Injections | Manhattan | New York City (NYC)Dysport is an FDA-approved injection treatment that reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by relaxing facial muscles on the forehead, between the eyes and under the eyes. Similar to BOTOX® Cosmetic, Dysport is injected directly into the site of wrinkles to prevent the underlying muscles from contracting. However, Dysport can diffuse muscles one to three centimeters from the injection point, while Botox can only reach as far as one centimeter, allowing for results that reach further areas with just a single injection.

Dysport was developed in Europe during the early 1990s, and has been used successfully for several years. It has also been used in the US under the name Reloxin, but was mandated to be FDA approved under its original name, Dysport. In April 2009, Dysport was approved by the FDA for use in the US and is expected to rival Botox, the most popular cosmetic procedure, with its convenience and long-lasting results.

In addition to treating fine lines and wrinkles, Dysport is also used to relieve excessive underarm sweating, and treat the symptoms of cervical dystonia, such as neck pain and abnormal head position.

Dysport is made from a protein that is extracted from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, the same protein used in Botox injections. This substance was originally used to control motor disorders and involuntary muscle spasms by immobilizing the targeted muscles.

The results of Dysport injections are visible within one to seven days after treatment, with most patients seeing results on day three. With less protein than Botox, Dysport may be broken down more slowly by the body, and may provide results that last longer.


Dysport® | Xeomin® | Cosmetic Injections | Manhattan | New York City (NYC)Xeomin, also known as X-Factor, is a new form of botulinum toxin type A that can be injected into the muscles just beneath the skin to reduce facial lines and wrinkles on the forehead, under the eyes and neck. Particularly effective in treating deep frown lines between the eyebrows Xeomin has received FDA approval.

Like other types of botulinum treatments, Xeomin prevents muscles from contracting. However, Xeomin is different from its predecessors in that it contains no additives, which may decrease a patient’s antibody reaction. If the immune system is not creating antibodies to fight it, the treatment may be much more successful.

Results of Xeomin treatment are typically evident in one week and last between three and six months.

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